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KAI YOGA was birthed out of the craving and deep visceral urge to teach thoughtful and connected yoga classes to an intimate community, where no-one gets lost in the crowd. This motivated husband and wife duo, Fraser and Elisha, to create a studio space based on the values of family, community and connection. Yoga has become their companion and a solid foundation to support them through life's rich tapestry of events. Yoga has been their medium to be of service to their very special KAI YOGA community and only wish to support people in their quest to know themselves better and in turn, love themselves better.

Despite popular belief, yoga really has nothing to do with your ability to touch your toes or tangle yourself into a pretzel. Rather, it has everything to do with staying relaxed in your being, calm under pressure and steady in the mind, when navigating through challenge - It's not about the pose, but what you bring to the pose! The goal, and the potency is in your ability to meet the challenge with ease.

Community guides us. Connection sustains us.


Our studio is your haven to give yourself permission to slow down and nourish yourself physically, mentally and energetically. It is a sacred space where you can embrace all that it is to be you and bring back to the foreground what it is that is important to you. At KAI YOGA there is no such thing as being 'too weak,' 'too tight,' 'too old,' or 'too intimidated.' We'll look after you no matter where you are on your yoga journey!

Together with our incredible team of world-class teachers, we endeavour to keep our events schedule full of wholesome offerings to inspire our common pursuit for evolved living. Monthly, enjoy yoga-inspired events that provide windows of opportunities for each of us to build presence and calm.

You give us reason to share what we love in a way that is 'real' and down-to-earth. We very much look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful space. As you begin with the ritual of unrolling your yoga mat, we hope it can be your daily practice of personal enrichment.

With love,

Elisha + Fraser x

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